
Pellet boilers HERZ pelletstar T-Control, with a capacity of 10 - 60 kW - is an ideal, environmentally friendly and fully automatic heating system. Pelletstar T-Control boilers are characterized primarily by their small size, and therefore, especially small requirements for the installation site, economical operation and high efficiency. Automatic cleaning of the heat exchanger and combustion chamber ensures comfortable and convenient operation.

Pellet boilers HERZ pelletstar ECO 10-60, with a capacity of 10 - 60 kW is an efficient and fully automatic heating boiler with low levels of harmful emissions. Pelletstar pelletstar ECO boilers are characterized by their small size, and therefore, especially small requirements for the installation site, economical operation and high efficiency. Automatic cleaning of the heat exchanger and combustion chamber ensures comfortable and convenient operation.

Extremely compact condensing boiler HERZ Pelletstar Condensation, with a capacity of 3 to 60 kW is an ideal solution for both new buildings and for modernization. Condensing technology for burning wood pellets and high-quality components guarantee high efficiency of heating systems and reduction of harmful emissions.

HERZ firematic series boilers are hot water boilers for burning wood chips or pellets. Compact, extremely economical and easy to operate. The HERZ firematic boiler range offers capacities from 20 to 499 kW.

The HERZ pelletfire 20/30/40 boiler is a module that combines a pyrolysis wood boiler and a wood pellet burning boiler. The transition to the use of pellets, after burning firewood, is automatic, which makes heating even more convenient.

BioFire Herz is an automatic hot water boiler that uses wood pellets or wood chips as fuel. Compact, automated steel boiler used in heating systems of small areas of cities, towns, schools, hotels and utilities. Wide model range: 500 - 1000 kW Possibility of operation of boilers in a cascade