Grid inverters are designed to connect solar photovoltaic modules to AC power. Inverters convert the direct current produced by solar modules into a variable of appropriate parameters and send it to the network. Solar inverters can be used both for a small home solar system and for the construction of industrial solar power plants. They are great for backup and stand-alone power systems.

The new line of Fronius Symo series network inverters is presented in the power range from 3.0 to 20.0 kW. The standard interface for connecting to the Internet via WLAN or Ethernet and the ease of integration of third-party components make Fronius Symo one of the most communicative network inverters on the market.
- SnapINverter technology
- Built-in data port
- SuperFlex design
- Smart Grid compatibility
- Possibility to ban the transfer of energy to the grid
Solar power plants can be made in three versions: Grid-connected solar power, hybrid station or autonomous system.
Grid-connected solar power plant (On-Grid)
The system consists of two components - an array of photovoltaic modules and a network inverter. Grid-connected SES is designed to reduce electricity consumption from the grid and to sell surplus electricity to the grid of the local energy company at a «green tariff» Mains SES does not provide for the possibility of accumulating electricity and is not equipped with a rechargeable battery (battery), the battery is a central network. The mains inverter synchronizes with the mains and converts direct current from solar cells to alternating current. In such a system, it is important to have a bidirectional meter that will take into account the amount of electricity consumed and delivered separately. If more electricity was produced than consumed during the month, the state buys surpluses at the price of the «green tariff». 
Hybrid solar power plant (Hybrid)
The most complex and versatile type of photovoltaic system, as it has the advantages of network and stand-alone systems. The hybrid photovoltaic system works both as a grid and stand-alone, saving electricity during the day and not running out of electricity if the general grid is disconnected. The hybrid system allows to sell surplus generated electricity to the network of the local energy company at a «green tariff»
Autonomous solar power plant (Off-Grid)
A photovoltaic system that acts as a primary or secondary source of electricity. Electricity generated by a stand-alone system that is not supplied to the public grid, but only feeds facilities connected directly to that system. The main task is to ensure uninterrupted power supply to the consumer.